Langley Mill Academy is part of Djanogly Learning Trust.
Information about the Trust can be found

Langley Mill Academy

Music at Langley Mill Academy

"What I have to say is all in the music...if I have something to say, I write a song!"   Paul McCartney


At Langley Mill Academy we want our children to have the opportunity to explore music, through listening to, responding to, composing and performing music from a range of composers and in a range of styles including their own. 

Lessons are based on the National Curriculum and taught using the Kapow Scheme of Learning & our links with our local musical partnership. This is to support teacher professional development and those teachers who are not specialists in music. Each child will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through our participation with the Music Hub with whole class instrument lessons. 

Weekly singing assemblies encourage our children to sign and sign. 



 The curriculum is shared with pupils and staff and is based on the National Curriculum including:

  • Understanding music,
  • Listening,
  • Singing,
  • Notation,
  • Playing instruments,
  • Creating - improvising,
  • Creating - composing,
  • Performing

Year 4 learn an instrument taught by a peripatetic music teacher from the Music Hub. Currently, this is the ukulele.

Where appropriate pupils record their learning in their curriculum books, however, due to the nature of the subject much of the learning is echoed back to teachers 'live'. 




At Langley Mill Academy children will be enthused and engaged in music learning in school and ready for their next stage of education.  Pupils will use technical vocabulary accurately and know and apply the skills and processes for each element of music correctly.  Children will record their work in a variety of ways and evidence of learning includes video, photographs, written work, performance, pupil voice or teacher voice.  Subject leaders conduct learning walks and pupil interviews to measure the impact of our teaching, based on what children can remember and what they can articulate.


Please encourage your children to listen to a wide range of music at home and if your child is learning an instrument, please inform us so we can develop their skills further and give them opportunities to perform in school.


Our music lead is Mrs Simcox